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Monday, December 31, 2012

2012 in Review

2012 has been a wonderful year for me! I have accomplished so many things and I am at a place in life that I never thought I would ever be.
In January I moved away to school to start my journey in a cold place (: I have loved every minute at AppState and wouldn't change it for anything! I have met a lot of new friends who make my time at school even more enjoyable!
In May I met this wonderful boy who I like to call boyfriend. He is pretty much amazing to me and I love him to death. He is the one person I can truly be myself around and when I am with him I can have no filter on anything I say! He completes me, and after 7 months we are still going strong!!  
Over the past year I have gotten to reconnect with friends from high school. Even though we have been apart for some time we started back right where we left off. They are amazing people and I am so glad they are in my life. Sorry there are no picture of the girls, we always seem to be the ones taking the pictures.
In November I made yet another change in my life. I started my own business and became a Thirty-One consultant. As a college student I didn't think that I could handle a real job but I still wanted some spending money. And with Thirty-One that is what I get and I LOVE IT!
In December I turned 21! And as my parents say, "I am officially and adult now." The adult part scares me just a little bit. But, I would say by far it was the best birthday yet!
And now it's time to make some resolutions that will most likely be broken, so this year I am calling them goals, because I am more likely to stick to a goal!
1. Eat healthier, work out 3 times a week, and lose 30 pound by December 31, 2013.
2. Try to recruit 2 new thirty-one consultants under me.
3. Create a scrapbook for the year and actually keep up with it!
4. Blog at least twice a week!


What are New Year's Resolutions do you have?

Sunday, December 30, 2012

Sunday Social

Sunday Social
Hey y'all! It's time for Sunday Social!!

1. What is the best New Years Eve you've ever had?
I would have to say NYE 2011 because it really sparked the relationship between me and my boyfriend! It was so perfect and I love everything about him!
2. Are you doing anything for NYE this year and if so what?
Just a little get together with some friends, we are keeping it very casual and fun!
3. Name a book we should all read come January?
Sloppy First, Second Helpings, Charmed Thirds, and Fourth Comings. Yes, it has taken me a whole year to read this series but it is a trip! They are so girly and funny. Worth the read!
4. What are your new years resolutions?
This year I am making REALISTIC resolutions...
1. Eat healthier
2. Some form of exercise daily
3. Lose 30 pounds by December 31st
4. Work on building my thirty-one team
5. Blog at least twice a week!


Friday, December 21, 2012

Help a sister out!

So in the spirit of Christmas I am helping a sister out, my biological sister at that! My sister just graduated from East Carolina in May with a degree in graphic design. And to her dismay she has been unable to find a job. So she decided to start up her own business. She has created an etsy shop to sell all her goodies! In her shop you will find....birthday cards, Christmas cards, thank you cards, Congratulations cards, birthday invitations, baby shower invitations, gender reveal invitations, and wedding invitations! She will customize any invitation or card that you wish all you have to do is ask!
Now through December 24th you can receive FREE SHIPPING!!!  
Keep up with the sales she has going on throughout the year by following her on Facebook or Etsy

Thursday, December 6, 2012

It's Ok Thursday

It's time to link up with Amber & Neely for "It's Ok" Thursday!
It's Ok...
....that I am writing this blog post in class.
....that I haven't started studying for exams yet.
....that Christmas is sooo close and I just love this time of year!
....if I stressing a little over exams.
....that I miss my parents dearly!
....that I am going home for the fourth weekend in a row.
What are you ok with today?

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

What I'm Loving Wednesday

I'm loving that it is Wednesday and that tomorrow is the last day of classes, NOT loving that finals start Monday!

I'm loving that my 21st birthday is next Thursday!

I'm loving that I only have a English portfolio to finish for this semester.

I'm loving that Christmas is right around the corner! I cannot wait for all the festivities, and holiday baking!  

I'm loving that I received a 103 on my last physics test!  

I'm loving that the weekend is near and I get to spend time with my wonderful boyfriend and family!

What are ya'll loving today?


Monday, November 26, 2012

I'm Back!

So...I have taken a bit of a blogger vacation...about six months worth! But I am back now and ready to blog till my little fingers bleed (well not literally). I have been super busy since my last post and out of the blogger world for some time. Since I have been gone I have went on beach trips with both family and friends, spent the summer in school and also hanging out with my wonderful family! I am about come to an of the fall semester of my Junior year of college, while also in full swing of planning my 21st birthday party, decorating for Christmas, and preparing for all the Christmas festivities! My biggest accomplishment since I have been gone is that I am now a thirty-one consultant! I did just get started with it at the beginning of this month but I am already in love with it! I am having kick-off party Saturday and I am super excited yet nervous! YIKES! I have given my blog a little face lift and also a new url so you will have to re-add me!

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Picture Overload!

WOW! I have been MIA for some time now…whoops!  I have been super busy with life that I haven’t even thought about blogging (shame shame). And over the course of being MIA I convinced my friend to start blogging! What is wrong with me? So I will recap the last ummm monthish.
Here is how it went down....
My roommate turned 19 and we had a little get together for her. I made the meal (which was delicious) and made her a birthday cake!
My sister graduated from ECU on May 4th. I am so proud of her and I can’t wait to see her achieve all her goals and dreams.

I also meet a pretty amazing boy, and I now call him boyfriend! He is a southern gentleman and knows all the right things to say.

Then exams took over my life and I became unsociable for a week…sorry! After exams I finally got to come home and see my family and friends and forget about school for a while!
My favorite thing about the whole month was the tractor and truck pull with the boy and friends!

Now summer classes started today, but only 5 weeks. I can do this! And this weekend I get to go home but none of my family will be there becasue they will be on vacation and they left the college kid at home. All becuase I have class on Friday and Monday (stupid summer classes). And now the picture overload is complete!
What have all ya’ll been up to?

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Hey there!

I have been MIA for some time now and I am sorry! But I am finally caught up on all my school work and all I have left to do is study! So I will now have more time to blog! So what have I been up to you ask? Well….I have been stressing over all my school work, with continued roommate problems to top it off. But, I am not going to let it get me down. I am trying to be the bigger person and let me tell you it is harder than it sounds!

I tried to give my lovely little blog a face lift last week…yeah not so easy for someone who isn’t good with computers! So I restored to a premade one, that is until I can figure all this out.

What have ya’ll been up to lately?

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Under Construction!

I am giving my little blog a face lift, so if you see it doing crazy things don’t be alarmed. I am doing this all on my own so it might take a while! But I hope to be done by next week and back to my normal blogging habits!

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

What I'm Loving Wesnesday!

It's time for What I'm Lovign Wednesday after longggg blogging break!

I’m loving the amazing weather we are having!
I’m loving that it is officially sping.
I’m loving that Easter is right around the corner and I get to go home and see my family.
I’m loving that I might have found a new place to live next year!!!!
I’m loving all these springy clothes!

I’m loving these Jack Rodgers, but my wallet is not loving it!

What are ya'll loving?