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Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Picture Overload!

WOW! I have been MIA for some time now…whoops!  I have been super busy with life that I haven’t even thought about blogging (shame shame). And over the course of being MIA I convinced my friend to start blogging! What is wrong with me? So I will recap the last ummm monthish.
Here is how it went down....
My roommate turned 19 and we had a little get together for her. I made the meal (which was delicious) and made her a birthday cake!
My sister graduated from ECU on May 4th. I am so proud of her and I can’t wait to see her achieve all her goals and dreams.

I also meet a pretty amazing boy, and I now call him boyfriend! He is a southern gentleman and knows all the right things to say.

Then exams took over my life and I became unsociable for a week…sorry! After exams I finally got to come home and see my family and friends and forget about school for a while!
My favorite thing about the whole month was the tractor and truck pull with the boy and friends!

Now summer classes started today, but only 5 weeks. I can do this! And this weekend I get to go home but none of my family will be there becasue they will be on vacation and they left the college kid at home. All becuase I have class on Friday and Monday (stupid summer classes). And now the picture overload is complete!
What have all ya’ll been up to?